Saturday, September 6

Loneliness is something that came with the fall

Yesterday morning I was chatting with a dear friend about the difficulties coming back from my summer at camp.

This year, though camp didn't feel as much like a home, I allowed people to become my family. I actually invited people into my heart, and was invited into theirs. I can genuinly say that when someone speaks badly of someone at camp, I am quite agitated, because that's my family they're talking about!

I think that one beautiful thing that happened this summer is my learning what it is like to really live in community. I don't just mean living around people all the time, I mean genuine community. Coming to one another for prayer, encouragement, to just cry.....
For me to be sitting and sobbing, and have someone actually care and offer to listen, and for me to do the same.

To consistently have a brother or sister, or aunt, or parent (not blood-related, but closer to me than any "family" I have ever known) that I can talk with, that I can simply recieve a hug from.
To know that any person I pass I could ask for prayer.

It's not like that out here.

It's so noticeable in this fallen world I have been brought back to. It leaves me longing for more. And because of my summer, I am filled with hope for community like that. It IS possible.
It blows me away to know that God's Kingdom is even better.

As I talked with this friend of mine, I was struck with this loneliness I have felt over the past week. I wondered if I would really be hearing from people. As I finished my sentences, we left his house, it was time for me to hit the bus, and for him to head to work. So I wandered into the mall to make change for the bus. As I was walking around the corner, I ran into Samone, who worked at camp this summer, and was my lovely roommate when I did CIT! It made me giggle with delight to see family.
Later on, as I shopped with a friend, I ran into a youth camper, who I also counseled at a retreat, and then as we walked to the bus stop I ran into a staff member from last year! I laughed as I told my friend that I had probably seen more people from camp in Victoria today than I normally do collectively through the year!

I do not take for granted this funny little day.
Because in seeing these people all around, Christ was reminding me how wonderfully faithful He is. Whether this family of mine is around physically or not, I know they love me, and will be there to support me. God, I know You will never forsake me.