Tuesday, June 17

when someones life is in danger, it seems like a good time to sit down and shut up and start living like a God is telling you to.

When someones life is in danger, it seems like a good time to sit down and shut up and start living like a God is telling you to. Am I wrong in saying this? I would probably disagree with you if you said yes.

Why, when I am asking someone to pray, and trying to express just how worried I am, do they change the subject? They change the subject and act like everything is fine. People like to pretend that things aren't as serious as they really are. "Ignorance is bliss, and all that..."
Until your friend takes his life.

If anyone really thinks ignorance is bliss, they need to smarten up.

I've never been so frusterated with the world, or with Christians.

It's a good thing it was me talking to them, and not the friend who I am worried about. How on earth would him telling them that he doesn't want to live anymore, and them reacting trying to make him "happy" help? When someone is crying, and you try to make jokes to make them feel better, it's making things worse.
Praise God that it was me talking to them, I already know that God is good.

I'm sure you can tell that I'm rather unpleasant right now.

And in talking to one of my dear friends, I apologized for my unpleasantness. Pay special attention to how she responded: "no need to appoligize. i love you even when you're unpleasant."

Did you catch that? A friend loves at ALL times.

As aggrivating as i find it, we are way less than perfect. Which is why we frickin NEED God.
And need to be WAY more grateful for Jesus.

After talking with a very dear friend of mine on Saturday morning, I realized yet another aspect of how incredible Jesus is. Without him, we'd have to bring sacrifices like sheep all the time, and could never ever have that relationship with him that we have now. We'd never have the relationship we get to have with Him.

The things we take for granted.

Why are we so dumb? Why do we think that pumping ourselves with heroin will make things better? Why do we think having sex will make us less lonely? Why do we think that drowning it our with wine will make life easier? Why do we think that acting like everythings fine, and lying to the world will make everyones life better? Why do we think we have the right to judge peoples sins, when we screw up just as much?

Why? Why? Why? WHY!

Because we're a broken race and we're stupid, and we don't listen. That's why. Because we don't friggin listen to God.
I've head numberous people lately, saying that the rules aren't actually that important...yes they freaking are! God set those out, because He knows WAY better than we do, and He's trying to show us how to love Him, and each other, and ourselves. And also, it shows us how FAR from perfect we are.

Without actually listening, what's the point? It's another case of professing love for someone, but not showing it at all.

We can see this earth groaning for a Savior, and we can see terrible things happening every momentbut we don't do anything. We see genocide, and rape, and child pornography, and cutting, and suicide, and broken families, and divorce, and destruction, and hurt...and we still don't change. We still don't realize that we need to listen to our Lord.

Jesus, take my life. Take everything. I give it ALL over to You.

Just tell me what to do.

Monday, June 16

This is an EMEGENCY

I am SO sick of people hurting.

I'm so sick of it.

I am tired of watching people push Jesus out of their lives. I am tired of seeing people who want to be close to God push Him away, because they just don't know how to do what they need to. And of people needing support, and Jesus' body not being there.

We are meant to be his hands, to be his feet, and we don't. I'm tired of the body of Christ not being just that.

Father I place my life in Your hands. May I be Your hands and Your feet. Use this crappy situation to spur me on toward loving You.
Help me to give up myself. I don't really care about myself, I just want my friends to not hurt anymore! I don't want people to keep hurting! Help me to love so that they might see a glimpse of how good You are.

Tuesday, June 3

My favorite peice of poetry. I hope and pray that I, and you, will never take part in these things.

How to kill a living thing

Neglect it
Criticize it to its face
Say how it kills the light
Traps all the rubbish
Bores you with its green

Harden your heart
Cut it down close
To the root as possible

Forget it
For a week or a month
Return with an axe
Split it with one blow
Insert a stone

To keep the wound wide open

-Eibhlin Nic Eochaidh