Friday, September 12

What Do You Enjoy?

This morning I went for coffee, or rather, a talk, since there was no actual liquid involved, with a wonderful friend of mine. He asked the question "of what kind of career are you thinking?" to which I responded "I haven't any idea..." And so he asked what kind of things I like doing.
After staring off for a few seconds, I smiled, "I just like to love people." and continued on "I like to talk with people. And drink tea..."
He laughed, and noted how it must be difficult to be so relational, and be so secluded most of the time. I never really thought about that before, but I suppose it's true, hey?

Anyway, I thought I would just sit down, and write out the things that I enjoy. As a prayer. And also with hope that someone might read this and, full of wisdom, help me to find where it is God would place me.
So what do I enjoy?
♥ As I already stated, I like to love people.
♥ I like to talk about meaningful things, and I like to drink tea (as if it is water, in fact).
♥ I find myself enjoying breathing much moreso than most people probably do.
♥ I like blowing bubbles.
♥ I enjoy writing, anything really, even if I'm filling out camper profiles for someone, or writing a list on a white board. But moreso, I enjoy writing letters, fancied up verses and lyrics and quotes, and encouragement notes.
♥ I like sitting on the floor, or outside to do projects.
♥ Playing things by ear, and trusting they will work out, like when I hop on the ferry, and give somone a shout from the terminal letting them know that I popped by Vancouver.
♥ I like grandmotherly sweaters, and pretty dresses - twirling about in pretty dresses has a special place in my heart.
♥ I love capturing genuine moments in a photograph.
♥ Cooking will always provide enjoyment, especially when I get to do it for others, that's really when I love it.
♥ Organizing little get togethers, especially for the body of Christ...and prepping for it too (setting a "mood" or whatever)
♥ Hearing peoples hearts, and hearing how people have fallen in love with Christ.
♥ I love meeting with people to pray, and I love sitting with someone and simply reading the scriptures out loud.
♥ I love playing in lengthy grass, climbing trees, skipping in the tides, and being a child again.
♥ Seeing people grow in the Lord, seeing them learn to love.
♥ Desperation.
♥ Doing everything barefoot.
♥ And I LOVE Christ.

Saturday, September 6

A Beautiful Letdown

In asking a beautiful friend of mine what coming back to school has been like, I recieved some of the most beautiful words I have read. It blesses my heart to see her faith being strengthened, and to see how much she has fallen in love with Christ over the summer.
Please read thoughtfully, her incredible, vibrant words. So full of life, so full of hope, so full of courage and strength, and all of these things in the Lord.
May you find encouragement.

"today was so weird. it was the first day of school, and i'm not gonna lie i was rather nervous. but right when i got in the school all i could concentrate on what a letdown it was. a letdown in a good way. a beautiful letdown. where this world just isnt worth it. where i wasnt jealous of the popular kids or where i cared what people thought. i am so happy where i am now where i really dont care (not totally at all) but i'm getting there. its awesome. i have never had this kind of peace before. I'm loving this.I'm kinda excited to see what a mess this school is, and knowing the god i know..nothings impossible for him. and i should be his hands and feet. "

Loneliness is something that came with the fall

Yesterday morning I was chatting with a dear friend about the difficulties coming back from my summer at camp.

This year, though camp didn't feel as much like a home, I allowed people to become my family. I actually invited people into my heart, and was invited into theirs. I can genuinly say that when someone speaks badly of someone at camp, I am quite agitated, because that's my family they're talking about!

I think that one beautiful thing that happened this summer is my learning what it is like to really live in community. I don't just mean living around people all the time, I mean genuine community. Coming to one another for prayer, encouragement, to just cry.....
For me to be sitting and sobbing, and have someone actually care and offer to listen, and for me to do the same.

To consistently have a brother or sister, or aunt, or parent (not blood-related, but closer to me than any "family" I have ever known) that I can talk with, that I can simply recieve a hug from.
To know that any person I pass I could ask for prayer.

It's not like that out here.

It's so noticeable in this fallen world I have been brought back to. It leaves me longing for more. And because of my summer, I am filled with hope for community like that. It IS possible.
It blows me away to know that God's Kingdom is even better.

As I talked with this friend of mine, I was struck with this loneliness I have felt over the past week. I wondered if I would really be hearing from people. As I finished my sentences, we left his house, it was time for me to hit the bus, and for him to head to work. So I wandered into the mall to make change for the bus. As I was walking around the corner, I ran into Samone, who worked at camp this summer, and was my lovely roommate when I did CIT! It made me giggle with delight to see family.
Later on, as I shopped with a friend, I ran into a youth camper, who I also counseled at a retreat, and then as we walked to the bus stop I ran into a staff member from last year! I laughed as I told my friend that I had probably seen more people from camp in Victoria today than I normally do collectively through the year!

I do not take for granted this funny little day.
Because in seeing these people all around, Christ was reminding me how wonderfully faithful He is. Whether this family of mine is around physically or not, I know they love me, and will be there to support me. God, I know You will never forsake me.

Monday, September 1

The things I miss the most

I was taken aback today, when I was walking around town with my brother, and realized that I didn't know every person who walked past.
Walking past the market I saw a woman getting out of her car, and spoke my thought "Could you just get back in your car and come back out as Jim Badke?" To which Daniel agreed, adding "or Brett Nelson?"
We both chuckled, and sighed, missing our dear friends.

I was standing at the door of the dishpit, when a friend rushed passed, breathing "Lauren. Need prayer. Pray for head counselors."

I will miss that. I will miss that we are a people who can rush past with seconds to spare and just let one another know that prayer is needed, and know that prayers will be lifted.
Don't misunderstand me, I know this can still happen, but the capacity is not the same.
I am not actually living surrounded in people who will do such things.

In thinking of little stories such as this, a man passed by me at the bus stop. I am left wondering what would happen if I treated him in a similar way. I was feeling down at the time...what would happen if I walked up to him and said "hey, can you pray for me?"

It might be a little weird...but it might start something incredible...
I wonder.