As I've come to the recent realization that in my entire life of schooling, not once was I assigned a "what I learned on my summer vacation" paper, I have decided to write on on my own accord, here she is. (Note the nicely centered, underlined heading. I haven't forgotten, dear elementary school teachers.)
My summer vacation was not so much a vacation, though it was undeniably full of adventures, laughter and fun, it was also full of tears, exhaustion and heartache. The whole of this summer for me was spent working as a senior counselor at Camp Qwanoes, and if you've never been there at all, I suggest you check it out. Perhaps these stories and thoughts will encourage you to do so.
A new week begins, I receieve a medical form, and read a boldly printed advisory for one of the dear ones in my cabin "SEVERE ADD. MUST TAKE MEDS. STAY AWAY FROM CHOCOLATE!" Good grief. But, despite her warning label, this darling girl was the first to capture my heart that week by her eagerness to share her stories, to delight and be delighted in. I found myself not exhausted, but more joyful in the time I spent with her - praise the Lord for giving to me his heart for her. As I spent time with this young lady, I watched others grow quickly aggitated with her high energy and eagerness to share. This quickly aggitated me - I couldn't understand why they couldn't see how special this girl is!
I learned here, from our good teacher, that He feels similarly. That while I am growing aggitated and treating a person with unkindness, he is standing there {frusterated, sad} asking "Lauren, can't you see how special they are?"
One or two days in to a new week of camp, when I asked one of my girls why she didn't eat much, she replied that she was a celiac. I learned also this summer, to never expect that your children's parents will have written dietary restrictions on them.
Coming with the territory of having children from a variety of situations coming in and out of camp on a weekly basis, (and spending their free time sprawled across your bed, the best place to draw and talk and paint nails) I had my first encounter with lice this September. For a week or two I thought my head was burned from sun we'd experienced, then I found a little bug. Hoping it was just a random bug that had landed there, but not wanting to take chances, I made my way to a computer to search a certain insect in google images. A very unfortunate bingo. The dear ones keeping me in their house were so gracious in all the cleaning that needed to be done, and took me to the market to buy the treatments (all natural, of course). Days in, I was still finding the awful little things, this is when a friend and I sat down and prayed that the Lord would take them away. Away from my head, and away from the house.
I stopped washing my bedding, I stopped treating my hair. And I found no more lice.
I learned this summer to pray in faith over ailments, because the Lord came and showed his awesome power in those moments!
Thank you so much for sharing some special moments!
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