Wednesday, May 28

God of wrath.

In the fourth chapter of John, a tired Jesus sits down to rest at a well, asking a Samaritan woman if she will give him water to drink. When she asks how he, a Jew, could ask her for a drink, he responds to her: if you knew the gift of God...if you knew who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked for living water, and recieved it.

If you knew who it is that you are speaking to.

Do you know this Man? Do you really know who He is?
I feel the following song gives a glimpse of our mighty Lord. I pray you will think over these words for the days to come, and that God will make himself real and obvious to you.

God of wrath
God of love
God of Earth
And God above
God of hope
God of peace
God of you
And God of me

God of day
God of night
God the just
And God the light
God of the strong
God of the weak
God of you
And God of me

My love for You
My heart for You
My life for You
All I am for You

Blood through my veins for You
I give my world to You
All I am and all I haveI lay it down for You
Dancing 'round with You
Spinning 'round with You
Laughing loud with You
My love

You are so much more than I can even imagine.

I underestimate You, Your power, Your love, Your mercy and grace, Your goodness---You're power, You're love, You're mercy and grace, You're goodness, and I am sorry.