Six times. Six.
That is the number of times in a two week span that people have come to me about a friend of theirs who has been making comments about making, or actual attempts at suicide.
What is so wrong with our world?
What are we doing that a 16 year old girl would no longer want to continue her life!? She hasn't even made it to adulthood, and she has already decided to quit!!
God brought people I didn't even know to tell me about these hurting young men and women, and why? I'm waiting to find out. But I refuse to let this continue to happen! This is not what God wants for his children!
So I ask Lord, that You would fill us up with a love that is BIG, and a love that is loud! That we might be people who love as you love. People who put away our selfish pride. Who forget what others might think of us, and just love each other! That we might show Your face. That the many people asking "who can show us any good?" are amazed when they see the light of Your face shining on us! Teach us to love, Jesus. Teach us to lay down our lives, for you.
Father, allow us to feel our worth. A worth that is layed in, and affirmed by You.
And now I challenge you. Listen to the Lord. He is the LORD.We forget that too often. Our God has all authority, so let's call upon him!It's scary to listen sometimes. It really is, but there is no love in fear, for fear has to do with punishment. Our Father will not punish us for obeying him.
Why should I be scared? What can man do to me?
When I walk past a woman sitting and crying, how does anyone gain? I am overtaken by fear that she might reject me, and she is overtaken by the pain that she was ignored as yet another person walked by, seeing her pain, and doing nothing. So I will stop, and be there, and offer pray to our Father who can move mountains. Why should I be scared of a little rejection? I should be scared for her soul! Scared for her well-being. Scared that she might reject the gospel. But if I show Jesus' love to her, why should I fear?
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