Tuesday, April 29

Oops, I almost forgot!

Don't forget to be lifting that friend of mine, and his whole family situation. I want it to be covered in prayer.
And pray for my new McDonalds friend too.
Thanks :)

Can ya dig?

A dear, dear friend of mine was forced to become a couch-surfer a few nights ago. His mum and he don't have a happy relationship much of the time, and after a large fight over dinner, he was spending the night at a friends house.
Living on a couch, with no clean clothes, no school books, and no family.
It thankfully lasted just one night. But that is a lot of time.
This boy has just about every "right" to be angry with his momma, the worlds standards anyway. -We never truly have a right to act in an unloving way.- Despite his pain in that evening of eviction, he continued to act in a loving way toward his mum the next day. In a moment of beautiful grace, he let the fact that she was hurting him be forgotten, and offered to her grace and peace.
I praise God for examples like this.

Jesus continually teaches me more and more ways to love people.
I have felt a sense of urgency for the people around me. I think it really came about when I started being confronted with these many young men and women contemplating suicide. My thought has been "what I am doing is not enough." And it isn't. I need to love in bigger, better, more Christ-like ways. I need to love in a way that they might see God's love. So what can I do for You, my Lord?

I've been praying for opportunities to love. To love people I wouldn't always see. And today, that prayer was clearly answered. And I expect even more.

This evening my darling brother Daniel and I were feeling munchy, and decided to stop in at McDonalds. Ew. Why did we do that, you might ask? Neither of us could give you an answer. We both despise the place. And can barely eat anything they serve. I seem to recall the words "well, I just gave 4 dollars to the devil" being uttered as we turned away from the counter.
Oh McDonalds. Well, praise Jesus, he knew what he was doing when he led us there.
As we sat in the corner chatting, and munching away at that food we already knew was going to feel terrible in our stomachs, a little man walked up and began to speak with us.
Let me paint you a picture of this man. He was quite old, and nearly all his top teeth were missing. His cheeks hollow, and his body withering away, and he seemed as if there might be a large infection in his mouth. As he spoke, I could quickly recognize alcohol on his breath, which wasn't hard to detect, as he spoke quite far inside the typical "personal bubble" area.
He was a rather touchy man, and liked to tap my shoulder. I didn't mind.
He sat and told us how apparantley the government is controlling the weather with chemicals. Much of what he said didn't really connect with the next sentence, and he seeked affirmation, constantly asking "can you hear me?" or "ya dig?"
I prayed throughout the conversation, asking our God if He wanted me to speak to give me words, and Daniel was asking the same, but to the both of us His reply was "not now, you need to just sit and listen."
This little old man told us many stories. He told us frequently about his attraction to men, which at time was slightly inappropriate. But also heartbreaking. He spoke of how he is alone, lives alone, and no one wants to help him because he lives this way. Our world should not be like that.
He looked at the rings on Daniels hands, and the cross he bears on his neck, and asked if Daniel was a Christian. With excitment, he told us that he is a Christian too, and continued to give us quite the history lesson on Martin Luther, and oppressed women, and how women apparantley have masculine souls...
Anyhow, we ended up chatting with this man for about an hour and a half, and I quite enjoyed it.
Looking at it now, I wasn't at all embarrassed to be sitting with this man. I wasn't embarrased that he didn't look like everyone else, or that some of the things he said were a little wack, or that other people maybe thought he was weird. Whatever. What does that matter?
When we love others, we love God. That's a spear to the heart for me sometimes. When I'm not loving toward a guy on the street, to my dad, to a rude person I those moments I'm not loving toward God.
Dang. I certainly don't want to do that.

Jesus bless me with a love that is big, and loud.
I want to love people. I want to love You. Grant these people more time, they need it, desperatley. in...snowgiant. Duh.

I freakin know this guy. Hahaha.
This is ridiculous. I so enjoy it.

Monday, April 28

Can You hear us? Can You feel?

Six times. Six.

That is the number of times in a two week span that people have come to me about a friend of theirs who has been making comments about making, or actual attempts at suicide.

What is so wrong with our world?

What are we doing that a 16 year old girl would no longer want to continue her life!? She hasn't even made it to adulthood, and she has already decided to quit!!

God brought people I didn't even know to tell me about these hurting young men and women, and why? I'm waiting to find out. But I refuse to let this continue to happen! This is not what God wants for his children!

So I ask Lord, that You would fill us up with a love that is BIG, and a love that is loud! That we might be people who love as you love. People who put away our selfish pride. Who forget what others might think of us, and just love each other! That we might show Your face. That the many people asking "who can show us any good?" are amazed when they see the light of Your face shining on us! Teach us to love, Jesus. Teach us to lay down our lives, for you.

Father, allow us to feel our worth. A worth that is layed in, and affirmed by You.

And now I challenge you. Listen to the Lord. He is the LORD.We forget that too often. Our God has all authority, so let's call upon him!It's scary to listen sometimes. It really is, but there is no love in fear, for fear has to do with punishment. Our Father will not punish us for obeying him.

Why should I be scared? What can man do to me?

When I walk past a woman sitting and crying, how does anyone gain? I am overtaken by fear that she might reject me, and she is overtaken by the pain that she was ignored as yet another person walked by, seeing her pain, and doing nothing. So I will stop, and be there, and offer pray to our Father who can move mountains. Why should I be scared of a little rejection? I should be scared for her soul! Scared for her well-being. Scared that she might reject the gospel. But if I show Jesus' love to her, why should I fear?

Saturday, April 19

I had my interview with Amanda today...


Thursday, April 17

For the weak?

We are weak.

He is strong.

We are capable because He is capable.

What do you think of what this guy says?

Sunday, April 6

Distractions have been on my mind lately.

And when I say distractions, I mean I've been thinking about the whole distraction issue, although...I am also easily distracted.

One easy example would be when I go away to visit friends for a couple days, or just sleep over at some one's house. It so easy to stay up late talking and forget to do my nightly devotion. This is so silly, and it frusterates me. My relationship with Jesus does not cease to exist when I am with other people.

Do you find it easy to be distracted?

The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.

The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.

The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure
and altogether righteous.

They are more precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the comb.

By them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.

Psalm 19:7-11


I wish I had as much spirit as John Reuben

Friday, April 4

A bushel of babies

I miss my middle school girls! (and the boys, I miss them too)
I haven't seen my darlings all week!
I had to miss Bible study on Tuesday, because I had an orientation for my school courses, which is good, because I needed to get started! I'm two months behind right now! But it stinks that I had to miss Bible study! (Gosh, I could use prayer to finish up my schooling quickly!)

Which brings me to my second set of babies (as I like to call them) whom I miss. With the awesome title of Food Services Assistant Crew Chief, comes the priveledge of hanging out with CIT's, not only in the summer, but during training weekends aswell! I must say, they're genuine excitement just to meet one another inspires me. From upstairs I could hear the girls all squealing in the hallway below, and hugging, and loving one another. It was the first time they'd met, for crying out loud!
I have to wonder, why don't we feel that same way whenever we meet someone new? I know that these kids have one beautiful thing in common, being that they all have a love for the Lord (which is an AWESOME thing to have in common!) but what about people who don't know Him?
Why are we not excited upon meeting them that we get a chance to love this person? We get a chance to meet another person our God has created! (we all have that in common too, hey! We've all been made by our God, and not only that, He's got an awesome plan for us!)

I want to be more excited when I meet new people. Filled with an excitement that I get to share my life with them. Filled with an excitement that I will learn about Him through those friendships, and that they will aswell.